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Presentation of furniture for the "New Ukrainian schools"
06 April 2018
Presentation of furniture for the "New Ukrainian schools"

How to complete the classroom of the "New Ukrainian School", was shown in Vinnitsa.

On the 5th of April  in Vinnitsa was presented how to organize the educational process in the primary school on the concept of the "new Ukrainian school". The Ministry of Education developed recommendations and requirements for staffing the first grades. The primary school will be transferred to the new system of education in September 2018.


"The point is that the educational process must be built on work in groups.In the game process, children learn science.Teaching combines new and old methods.That is, the child in any case should be taught to write, it is the base. This is how children learn to write, count, design, understand the world. "Socialization takes place," explains Alla, the representative of the Scientific Center "European Didactics".

Today, 8 companies have shown how to equip the educational space. The presentation includes computer equipment, didactic materials and furniture.

"This is how the first grades on the concept of the" new Ukrainian school " should look. Also,  interactive, furniture and didactic materials were presented here. According to the 137th order of the MES there are recommendations about the organization of the educational space - on what  children will be taught and how to work in groups, "Alla explained.

According to the representative of the Ministry of Education and Science Galina Nakonechna, during the presentation, various types of equipment were presented, both budgetary for small schools and a higher class for institutions with a large student population. To purchase equipment, funds are provided in the state and on each local  area.







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